Welcome To
Diane Kelly Real Estate...
Welcome to one of the most
comprehensive real estate websites in Calgary providing an up to the
minute in-depth and comprehensive guide to the Calgary real estate
market. Including real time listing of all homes, condos and
apartments for sale in and around Calgary.
The Team!
Well not really the team, but I am sure you would love Butters and
Charlie my two Maltese pups if you did meet them. By the way in case
you were wondering Butters is the one on the left.
The point I would like to make is
when you deal with me that's who you deal with100 percent of the
time. I will never delegate your business of to an assistant as some
realtors do. I value my clients and give them my total commitment.
Perhaps that's why over the past decade I have never had a single
client who has been less than 100 percent happy with the service I
provide. Something which is highlighted by
my testimonials.
So How
Can I help You?
you will quickly find out should you decide to work with me, I
always try to give my clients the most information possible in order
that they can make informed decisions. This starts by outlining my
responsibilities to both buyers and sellers along with
the financial benefits and transaction protection I provide to both.
So without further ado let's get started by selecting one of the
choices below.
To view my


Copyright © TALKCalgary
2000 - 2010
Photography, &
writing by Steve Kelly or as credited.
Calgary Real Estate consultant Diane Kelly, Discover Real Estate Ltd,
Real Estate
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