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Real Estate Talk Last Updated: Mar 25th, 2010 - 13:48:47

Exposure of your home....
By Diane Kelly
Mar 10, 2010, 20:42

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How important is exposure when selling your home?  It's everything...  Exposure is good, but high quality exposure, is gold...

I always provide a virtual tour and a video tour to all my clients when they're selling their homes. 

A virtual tour lets the potential buyer tour your home from the comfort of their home or office.  A video tour is a movie of your home.  It's a walkthrough of your home, put together with music.   I always find these tours very effective.  Homes sell faster.  Selling in days instead of months...

High quality photographs is also very important.  You always want your home to look it's best.   If you show dark or over exposted photos, you're not giving your home the chance to shine. 


Buying your home: If you would like info of homes for sale please contact:

Diane Kelly (403) 383-8025  or visit http://talkcalgary.com/real_estate/

Selling your home contact:

Diane Kelly, (403) 383-8025  or visit http://talkcalgary.com/real_estate/


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